A budget provision of Rs. Six Crore has been made by NMDFC for current financial year for operationalizing MANAS by developing the infrastructure & training facilities. Since MANAS would be a specialized vehicle for implementation of all skill development programmes for the Minority Communities, it is expected to implement the skill development programme & receive funds from the following Ministries/organizations:
- Ministry of Minority Affairs Seekho aur Kamao Scheme, USTTAD, Hamari Dharohar, Nai Taleem and other skill development programmes under the Ministry.
- Ministry of Home Affairs Project Udaan for J&K, Skill Development Schemes in Left Wing Extremist areas etc.
- Ministry of HRD Project Hunar, Madarsa modernization scheme etc.
- Department of Skills under the Ministry of Skill, Entrepreneurship, Sports & Youth Affairs)
- From Training programme of Ministry of Health, Rural Development, Labour etc.
- From Various State Government Departments working in the field of skill development in general and welfare of Minority communities in particular.
- From CSR funds of the corporate sector.